Beyond Magic - Foekie

Stardust in your eyes Beyond Magic

Call sign Foekie NHSB 3082205 born 23-04- 2017 from the unique combination Isolde - Berber NHSB 2858691 X Karel Donder of the Trompeborgh NHSB 2792415. She has HD A with a Norberg value of 30.

Foekie is everything you dream of as a hunting dog she has a huge drive is very passionate always cheerful and super optimistic she is such a pleasure to work with and she continues to amaze me with her ability. She has a huge dose of guts and does not shy away from foxes, difficult terrains, nettles, steep ditches, nothing, and no even electric wires stop her when she needs to hunt. Hunting is her life and that she shows in her being and that makes her such a great Stabyhoun.


She wants to retrieve so badly it really is her lust and her life.

When she was only 5 weeks old, she proudly and happily retrieved a toy dummy that she delivered correctly in my hand.

At 9 weeks old she already retrieved passionate a real pigeon which is an exceptional achievement for most puppies at that age (but certainly for the Stabijhoun).


She also performs well on shows, on her first show - the Dogshow Maastricht she became first (Very Promising) in the Bitches Jongste Puppenklasse and after that she became the Best Youngest Pup!

 At the Gundgshow in Arnhem she was also placed first.

stabijhoun stabyhoun stardust in your eyes hunting dog duck hunt working
Foekie 1 year old

hare hunting stabyhoun stabijhoun friese stabij jachthond stardust in your eyes beyond magic nvsw
Foekie 1 year old during a harehunt


Besides the hunt for small game where we use her almost daily and where she enthusiastically retrieves in the most difficult situations, she is also used for fieldwork in which she excels! She has an exceptionally good nose and she has an extraordinary will to find game and goes for that to the end of the world she really is one bomb passion, that makes that she sometimes flushes out the bird to fast but that is also coherent of her age.

Allround Hunting dog

Foekie is really an allround hunting dog; lost search, bloodtracking, fieldwork, retrieving, she loves everyting. 

She is an exceptionally sweet and at the same time terribly tough bitch she has never recoiled for a shot,we even went on hunts with her to drive out deer and wild boar, she just wants to hunt and  share this love en joy with her owner. At this still young age i can notice that this bond is everthing for her. She is a hard working Stabyhoun with a golden character!

Friesian pointer hunting dog breeder stayhoun
Beyond Magic during a pigeonhunt