Beyond Aurora - Dieke HD A

23 december 2019

Dieke has received an HD A rating from the Raad van Beheer with a Norberg value of 20. Very happy with it!


Beyond Aurora - Dieke receives breeding approval

19 October 2019

Dieke got her Breeding Suitability qualification in Zwolle, another nice step in the right direction!

Beyond Aurora - Dieke   Photo: Rene Rigterink
Beyond Aurora - Dieke Photo: Rene Rigterink

Dream Flicks - Tjarda third place

29 June 2019

Dream Flicks - Tjarda achieved 3rd place in the Youngest Puppy class at the Nationale in Zutphen.


Welcome to 9 Puppy's

17 february 2019

Isolde gave birth to 9 puppies of which 2 males and 7 females! Isolde is doing super and is very happy with all her little ones. I am very proud of her, she is such a sweet mother with once again such a big litter, it is wonderful to see her so happy and content.

Isolde is Expecting

16 february 2019

From the combination Isolde- Berber X Hoppe Beau fan't Peelhiem NHSB 3023629 we are expecting a beautiful litter in mid-February. It will be the last litter of Isolde, we are looking forward to welcome new working dogs in to the world.

Beyond Dreams - Doutzen at Workingtest

11 oktober 2018

Beyond Dreams Doutzen recently participated in the 2nd Working Test for Curls & Friezes. I am very proud of this already good team they have finished in a 5th place for a Stabijhoun of only 1.5 years old!

Invictus Star - Uniek achieved ORWEJA Bloodtrack test

1 september 2018

Again very nice news from Uniek (Invictus Star) and his owner. They participated in the Orweja F track (500 meters blood track) despite having 1 recall they crossed the inhospitable area and found the piece. Of the eight dogs there are only two dogs that have ended up at the end piece. Good work from Uniek!

Beyond Magic HD results

4 juli 2018

Good news received from the RVB, Foekie - Beyond Magic has an HD - A rating! Another step in the '' good '' direction.

Isolde honored by the NVSW

20 juni 2018

Last Saturday, Isolde was honored by the NVSW (Dutch Association for Stabij and Wetterhoun) for obtaining the (KJV) SJP A-Diploma. We received a personal rosette and a bunch of flowers from Dick Greve. Thank you! I hope that many Stabij's will follow in the future!

Isolde receives honorable mention from the Dutch Kennel Club - RVB

14 juni 2018

In the recently published annual review in book form of the Dutch Kennel Club - RVB - Raad van Beheer, an honorable mention of no less than 1 page with photo has been published about Isolde - Berber. So nice that there is appreciation within the RVB for this extraordinary achievement of Isolde!

Beyond Magic at the Gundogshow

27 mei 2018

Today we went with Foekie -Beyond Magic to the Gundogshow in Arnhem we were actually very late to arrive and then again it was very hot weather but she did it again super good and she became 1st in the females Youth Class!

Beyond Reunion

23 mei 2018

On the second day of Pentecost, the offspring reunion of Isolde was finally that far! Uniek was present and  xcept one puppy the whole (now just 1 year old) Beyond litter was present. Jaitze and Syl, the fathers  were also tere to join the fun. It was a great day!

Isolde in Dogzine

March 2018

Today, no fewer than four pages have appeared in the Dog magazine '' Dogzine '', published with my and Isolde's story about how we arrived at the A-Diploma.

Invictus Star - Uniek in the club magazine of the NVSW

14 february 2018

For the lasted published club sheet of the NVSW, the owner of Uniek-Invictus Star has written a nice piece about their participation in the bloodtrial test where they gained the first place.

Isolde mentioned in Book Dutch Dog breeds

9 february 2018

In the last published book published by the Raad van Beheer; Surprising Dutch dog breeds authors Janny Offereins- Snoek and Diana Striegel- Oskam, Isolde and her extraordinary achievement are written.

1 st place at Bloodtrack test for Invictus Star

18 december 2017

Invictus Star-Uniek did so well at his first Bloodtrial test that he won first place with 90 points! Uniek and his owner are really a great team.

Diploma Puppy Hunting Training for Beyond Dreams -Doutzen

2 oktober 2017

Doutzen - Beyond Dreams got her first Puppy- Hunting diploma, yesterday she participated at her first Workingtest! She did not participate in all the tests because some of them were a bit too much for such a young dog, but of the tests she did participate in all the retrieves came in! All in all, it's a nice first steps that she has made together with her owner!

Beyond Magic first place at dogshow Maastricht

1 oktober 2017

Today at the Dogshow Maastricht was Foekie's - Beyond Magic - first show debut ever, she did a great job and became 1st (Very Promising) in the Bitches Youngest Puppy'sclass and after that she became the Best Youngest Pup! As a result, she was in the afternoon in the Ring of Honor between all Minor Puppy winners of all races! Foekie thought it was all wonderful and super she is a real "free" joyful puppy.

Raadar from the Raad van Beheer

29 september 2017

Today the last RAADAR appeared, the online magazine published by the Dutch Kennel Club, containing a nice article about obtaining Isolde's A-diploma. I am still proud of her and happy with the publicity for the hunting qualities of the breed within the Raad van Beheer.

In the magazine De Jachthond

11 september 2017

And yes there we are with a self-written article in the last edition of the Hunting Dog! It's nice that there is attention for the breed as a working dog!

Isolde in the Fryske Hounen

20 augustus 2017

Today a by my self written article about Isolde's exceptional performance has been published in the club magazine of the NVSW - Dutch Association for Stabij and Wetterhounen.

Isolde obtains an A -Diploma

28 juli 2017

A dream has come true, history has been written! Isolde has an A-Diploma! For the first time after 12 years a Stabijhoun who gets a KNJV-A! She was the only one who managed to bring in the pigeon and so she was the only one to have won the title A. She received the first prize for the highest A and the Mariënwaerdt Wisselbokaal! What a great achievement from my dear Isolde right after the litter I am so grateful to her for everything she 'gives' me a dog out of thousands!

Foto: A. Hoogendoorn
Foto: A. Hoogendoorn
Isolde champion of the  Mariënwaerdt
Isolde champion of the Mariënwaerdt

Isolde has given birth to 9 puppies

Isolde with her just born litter of 9
Isolde with her just born litter of 9

April 23, 2017

Welcome to the world's puppies! Isolde gave birth to seven females and 2 males on Sunday morning. The labor progressed prosperously. Isolde is absolutely idol of her puppies. It's absolutely a beautiful litter.

Isolde is expecting

March 28, 2017

Isolde is pregnant by Karel Donder van de Trompeborgh.

On the ultrasound we could see several puppies.
We hope to welcome healthy and work-willing puppies in to the world around April 24th!


One of the pups 33 days old, lying on his back with the front legs in the air
One of the pups 33 days old, lying on his back with the front legs in the air
Isolde 4 weeks pregnant
Isolde 4 weeks pregnant

Invictus '' ideal" at Puppy-Huntingtest

The final results
The final results
Invictus Star retrieves a rabbit-dummy
Invictus Star retrieves a rabbit-dummy

April 29, 2016

Invictus Star 6,5 weeks old went to a Puppy-Huntingtest. The purpose of this test is to look at the hunting and working properties of a puppy. It was a nice and varied test, including a sent-track from a dove and two different kind of retrieves. The retrieves were to him unknown, one was a wing and the other a rabbit-dummy.

He brought all of them nicely and correctly in to the hands of a for him anonymous and unknown puppytester!


As a final conclusion he got an ''ideal'' with the comment that he is very people orientated and has an enormous will to please!


One of the puppytesters (a KJV A-trainer with years of pointing dog experience) told me that he actually trough al the years never had seen a puppy of this age or any kind of breed that already really could retrieve!


What a little talent he is and no shot or loud noise anxiety really a wonderful puppy. As a breeder I am very proud that also with this one puppy I can make a good contribution to the Stabyhoun as a work-hunting dog.

Isolde in the NVSW

April 2016

This month there is a nice article about the Field Trials in Sweden published in the magazine of the NVSW (Dutch Association of Stabyhoun and Wetterhoun) ''The Frysian Hounen''. One piece is written explicit about Isolde and the way she stood out by showing such talent and will to work.

Invictus Star is born

March 13,  2016

Welcome to the world Invictus, a male born an a sunny day at the beginning of the afternoon on the 13th of March.


The birth went well.


Isolde totally adores her puppy and takes excellent care of him.


Invictus was from the moment he was born immediately a lively and frisky puppy, that must promise lots of good things for the future!


Isolde is expecting

January 11, 2016

On the 11th of January has there been a successful ''date'' between Isolde and Jaitze.


Isolde is pregnant with one puppy.


Both parents have excellent working qualities so hopefully this one and only puppy will bring a good contribution to the survival of the Stabyhoun as a working breed.


To see beautiful ultrasound images of the puppy were you can already see his tiny heart beating click at the following link:


Fieldwork Prizes

Sweden  September 27, 2017

Isolde has won two awards at a Field Work Competition in Sweden.

One cup for judges choice off the day and one trophy for the best Stabyhoun of all the Dutch combinations. These prices were giving because of Isolde her enormous drive, perseverance and working-hunting in complete unity with her handler.


She searched 60 minutes from which 45 minutes non stop galloping in dense cover meanwhile listing perfectly to any minimum indication of her handler, she did great!


According to the jury Isolde is a Stabyhoun with a massive hunting talent and works in complete harmony with her handler. The Jury had never seen before such a good hard working Stabyhoun.